Other Projects
- 2021, Rare Diseases Hackaton. Stige app. Sharing data with the blockchain technology to improve care for Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) disease Forum Sistema Salute, Firenze, IT.
- 2017, Art Installation. Technical collaboration to the realisation of an art installation for the visualisation of the user’s heart beat. Internet Festival, Pisa, Italy.
- 2016, Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale for the evaluation of children’s risks during hospitalization, Implementation of a hospital’s system aimed to the tracking of children’s risks during the hospitalization. Supervisor: Prof. M. Mangione, University of Pisa, IT.
- 2014, Electronics Lab: “Heart Beat Rate estimation device”. Design and creation of a device for heart beat acquisition and HBR estimation using a Tiva C MCU. Supervisor: Prof. G. Fiori, University of Pisa, IT
- 2014, “Biomechanics of the patella”. Modeling of the biomechanics of the patella . Supervisor: Prof. F. Di Puccio, University of Pisa
Abroad Experience
- November 2016 - March 2017. Erasmus + Traineeship, University of Essex, UK.
- August 2015. TU Berlin Sommerkurs, German Summer Course.
- August 2006. INPDAP English Summer Course, Cork, Ireland.
During high school I participated to the philosophy workshops organised by Istituto Stensten of Florence. These are the notebooks that have been published with the constributions of the participants
“Marcello Malpighi e la rivoluzione copernicana nella medicina: come contemplare le occulte meraviglie della Natura”, V. Fanfani.
Origini. Nascita della scienza moderna e nuove prospettive.
Novembre Stenseniano 2008. Laboratori didattici. Ipotesi di percorso
Fondazione Carlo Marchi - Quaderni, vol. 43
Marcello Malpighi and the copernican revolution in medical sciences.“Verso una nuova etica?”, V. Fanfani.
Guardare il futuro. Speranze, attese, responsabilità.
Novembre Stenseniano 2007. Laboratori didattici. Ipotesi di percorso
Fondazione Carlo Marchi - Quaderni, vol. 41
Towards novel ethics, fears and hopes in the global warming era .